Food Log
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- RSC (React Server Components)
- Server Actions
- Tailwind CSS
- Shadcn
- react-hook-form
- Zod
- Prisma
- Turso
- Clerk
Food Log
Food Log is a full stack web application that helps you keep track of your daily calorie intake and monitor your macronutrient intake. I made this application to learn and gain more experience with back-end technologies like databases, ORMs, RSC (react Server Components), Server Actions, and User Authentication.
- User Authentication using Clerk
- CRUD opertations using RSC (React Server Components) and Server Actions
- Data storage using Turso (Database) and Prisma (ORM)
- Form validation using react-hook-form and Zod
- Custom design using Shadcn plus custom dark/light switch
- SEO, asset, and performance optimizaion